I {heart} jazz music. Enough said.
I love that I can eat ice cream without freezing once more. I hate the hot weather that summer brings, but I do enjoy me a good bowl of almond milk ice cream after a long, hot day!
8 day. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
Maybe the report card fairy lives with the laminator-cutter-outer fairy? I really need to find them. Do you suppose the parents will notice if I just use the same comments/names on every report card?!
Needing to place future plans and dreams into God's hands. I'm trying to make some rather big changes in my life for next school year and it's hard to remain patient and wait for God's perfect timing. I know that the most I can do is continue to pray and seek guidance, but the planner in me wants to know NOW!
Summer is my travelling season, and though I am not travelling on a big international trip, I am planning on visiting a bunch of friends and family. A trip home to the mountains for a few weeks is always in order!
My mom gave me a whole canning system this last Christmas and I am so ready to hit the farmers markets and get canning! I've got a great "how-to" book to work my way through and visions of yummy canned goods filling my shelves in the near future!
I have only about 64.5 books on my "to be read" shelf. I am most definitely looking forward to working my way through a whole bunch of these! I cherish time to sit in a comfy setting and curl up and get lost in a good book for a few hours. :)
Now to pick out which one to read first!
Thanks for stopping by!