Add Open House to that, and you have my week.
So, without further ado (and a day late!) my Five for Friday!
1. Open House. Check! We had our Open House on Wednesday and it was a success! It's always so much work to pull everything together, but when I see the proud faces of my firsties as they run around my room, dragging their parents by the hand, it's all worth it. I had a great turnout, and a HUGE wave of kindergarten shoppers. Those little tiny guys always make me smile (and freak out slightly at how tiny they are!).

2. We lost the lottery and had to have our Open House on a Wednesday, which made for a very, VERY long Thursday and Friday. Needless to say, we most definitely planned a movie day for Friday. Which ended up being perfect because my teammate's sub (and my shared doorway buddy) didn't show up! I had 40 kids in my room for most of the day! Movies = instant crowd control. And it let me get tons of work done so I could leave pretty quickly after school ended. Winning!
3. We have 12 days of school left. 12! So close and yet so far! In those 12 days, my to do list looks something like this:
- report cards
- pink and blues
- class assignments for 2nd grade
- cumulative files
- benchmark testing
- tear down classroom
- pack up classroom for move
- pack for England (yay!)
- field trip
- plan end-of-the-year party
And I'm absolutely sure that I have left something off of that list. I may be freaking out slightly.
4. I'm moving rooms. We're increasing class size a bit and my current room is tiny and literally has no storage. I have tubs and boxes stacked in the back corner to hold all our my supplies. We barely fit with 19 kids. The room I'm moving to is much bigger, but really far away from the office. I guess it's better than nothing. But it's so much work to move rooms! I am definitely looking forward to the extra space, but not the process of gaining that extra space.
5. It's a 3-day weekend!!! Enough said.
Thanks so much for stopping by!